In October 1994, Mr Robert Ayton was appointed College Principal. Under his leadership, Kurunjang Secondary College continued to pursue funding for programs and initiatives that not only supported student needs but also fostered academic success. Student leadership and representation on College Council became an important component of the leadership development of our students. Many students from this era continue to live and work within the western suburbs and remember Kurunjang Secondary College as a school where they were supported and given every opportunity to succeed. Towards the end of 1999, Mr Ayton left Kurunjang Secondary College and was succeeded by Vice Principal, Mr Peter Blunden at the beginning of January 2000.
Under Mr Blunden’s principalship, this era saw extra and co-curricular programs that involved partnerships with Victoria University and primary schools. Festivals that celebrated diversity, culture, literature and the arts, visits from political officials, careers expos, City Project, Beacon Positive Futures for students, visiting authors, artists in residence, Formula One in Schools, camps, Debutante Balls, introduction of examinations across the year levels, incursions, excursions and even a trip to Italy – that have influenced the development of our students.
Building works during this period saw the construction of the Michael Duffy Learning Centre. In addition, the Beyond Four Walls encouraged Year 9 students to look at, and experience opportunities outside of school. In 2006, the annual school yearbook was formally named the REP – Red Earth People – linking the local indigenous history to our college community. Mr Blunden retired from Kurunjang Secondary College in 2009. After Mr Blunden’s retirement, Mr Ken Thompson was seconded to our college as Acting College Principal until a new appointment was made.